Jinhuan donated 6,800 N95 facial masks to support local frontline medical workers.
To support epidemic prevention, in the morning of February 26, Meng Zhangyin, chief executive of Jinhuan construction group, donated 6800 N95 medical protective masks on behalf of all employees of Jinhuan to the Management Committee of Shijiazhuang high tech Development Zone. Those PPE supplies will be distributed to the designated hospitals in town by the Committee to support medical personals fighting on the frontline
Staff of the Management Committee of the Development Zone expressed their gratitude to Jinhuan for donating the necessities to people in need.
Since the outbreak of epidemic, Jinhuan’s management team and employees paid close attention to the progress of the epidemic prevention and purchased medical supplies, such as masks, for front-line medical personals. We sincerely hope those equipment and supplies can help alleviate hospitals’ urgent situation of lacking personal protective equipment for their staff. Together we will defeat the epidemic and best wishes to all doctors and nurses working on the frontline.

“Century Enterprise, Charitable Giving” is the unchanging tenet of Jinhuan. The growth of Jinhuan will not be sustainable without supports from the state, community and people. Jinhuan appreciates those help and dedicates to continuingly get back community with charity activities and contributions